Sunday, 28 August 2011

Synchronized trips!

Ever had this happen? My boyfriend and I were both in deep ketaspace when I started seeing something very funny to me in my hallucination and I just happened to ask.. "Do you see that?" to which he replied "See what?" and at that moment, hundreds of red doors started lining up, they looked like gnome houses and I said "the doors" and he replied with "the red ones?" and from that moment on, I was sort of spooked. Is it possible to have the same trips because they're not hallucinations. Does ketamine take you to a further place like DMT does? (NOT COMPARING THE TWO, I KNOW DMT IS A SACRED SUBSTANCE)


  1. I'm not sure if you want people commenting on here or not so I totally won't be offended if you delete this. lol

    I just wanted to say it's pretty cool that you are keeping a record of your experiences, and sharing in this way.

    I too experimented with Ketamine as a way to journey. Your descriptions of your experiences have me desiring to restart that journey.

    I have yet to try DMT on it's own, but as you are aware I have been blessed with Ayahuasca in ceremony several times.

    In my experience with Aya, I saw ancient symbols and patterns that I have never seen before. On mushrooms or LSD I have always experienced intense visuals, and would describe to others that it was like walking through a soup of neon letters and numbers etc. With Aya, it is more like I am seeing something ancient, and almost like I have witnessed it before, but in a previous incarnation.

    Ketamine to me is a sacred substance. All substances are sacred. I believe when we do not treat them with this respect that we are led astray. This I continue to struggle with.

    Thank you for sharing, it inspires me to get back on track.

    My African, German, and Cherokee ancestors, and I bid you well on your journeys. Fear not the truth.


  2. Jojo I am glad you commented!

  3. Hey sweetie I wanted to say hi and I cant wait to see you again! I wanted to invite you to check out Me and Nels' new blog yay! love you lots and let me just say that the next time you see the red doors step through and see what you get ;)

    bless up!
